Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tips and Tricks Tuesday - Super Scraps

We all have them. Admit it. Those tiny little scraps of paper that are just too nice to throw away, or a size that you are 'sure' you can use for Something...
Well something has arrived!

Let me introduce you to the patchwork scrap card:

They are dead easy to make:
  1. Grab a selection of offcuts and scraps of paper in a variety of patterns and colours. Don't worry if they don't all quite match perfectly, or even slightly - it's part of the charm!
  2. Choose a design - keep it simple, and in 'block' shapes. Try searching online for ideas and inspiration - I searched 'patchwork bird house' but other great ones are 'patchwork cupcake / owl / teacup'.
  3. Starting from the biggest shape, hand cut out a scrap of about the right size. Hand cutting gives a wonderful not-quite-perfect feel which is exactly what you are looking for in this type of project.
  4. Draw faux stitching around the edge of each piece of paper - a black or brown fine nib is perfect. If you are feeling very adventurous you could even try sewing around the shapes for real - just be careful they don't tear too much.
  5. Mount the shapes onto your card to compose the final design. Add any finishing details such as ribbon or buttons and Voilà! 
A little close up of some of the detailing for you.

I have roughed up the edges of my card to add to the rustic feel, and there is a great little tool in the spring/summer catalogue that is perfect for the job:
Each of the notches contains a fine blade, but as they are recessed, it is safer to have around the house, and much easier to use! Let me know if you need one, or search for distressing tool at my new online shop!

Check it out at www.craftingbecky.stampinup.net it's full of all sorts of goodies, but please bear in mind it is still a work in progress... ...Let me know your thoughts!

Happy Crafting, Becky.


  1. Easy to make!!!

    Wow...This is what i have been looking for and you have done a great job. Beautiful cards.
    scrapbooking supplies


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